Global Network

BDO is an international network of public accounting, tax and advisory firms which perform professional services under the name of BDO. For the year ended 30 September 2023 BDO (Including BDO's exclusive Alliances) announced a total combined fee income over US$14 billion, representing a year on year growth of +10.2%.  These firms have representation in 166 territories, with 115,661 people working out of 1,776 offices worldwide.

Our story is one of continuously responding to ever changing client needs: we were founded in 1963 when firms from the UK, Netherlands, Germany, US and Canada joined forces to share and expand their knowledge to better serve our clients. The local knowledge of our member firms combined with the international expertise and strength of our network ensures effective and efficient service delivery to all our clients in every country in which BDO is represented.

At BDO we are passionate about service and have long been aware of its importance to our success. As a network, we’ve always been committed to delivering good service and in 2012 we defined clearly defined what exceptional service means for us and for our clients, as expressed in our vision: to be the leader for exceptional client service. Service quality is embedded in everything we do - it is not confined to a client service department - and all our people are aware of what constitutes exceptional client service and strive to live up to its attributes every day.

It’s a simple but effective approach that ensures we not only meet our clients’ needs but exceed their expectations. It’s about being clear and open in our communications and always delivering what we promise. We pay strict attention to the people that make up our client service teams and aim always to provide the right people for the client - as well as the right working environment for our people.

Above all, we recognise that all our clients are different and that they therefore appreciate a relationship with their service provider that is more personal than uniform and reflects the kind of business they are, as well as their culture. Only then can we create tangible value that’s based on trustworthy insight and advice. Our objective is to continually improve the service that we deliver to our clients because we know that our clients expect more.

We believe that exceptional service is as important to our clients and their businesses as it is to us. The relationships that BDO partners build with their clients put us in a good position to assist them in developing clear and effective strategies and in delivering the best outcome for their business, wherever they are in the world.