Women's economic empowerment project

The UN Women, with funding from the Government of Norway, has launched the project "Good Governance for Gender Equality” in partnership with BDO. The project's goal is to promote women’s economic empowerment, providing training for female small entrepreneurs across various fields through BDO.

UN Women has been operating in Georgia since 2001, working at the policy, legislative, institutional, and broader societal levels to achieve tangible results in gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. The project also actively involves the Taso Foundation, a national women's fund, and the Georgian Farmers' Association, which aims to strengthen the capabilities of female farmers within the project framework.

The project will run for one and a half years, during which 200 female small entrepreneurs from all regions of Georgia will undergo training led by BDO’s experienced professionals in business advisory and various other fields. Specifically, training sessions organized by BDO Academy and BDO’s business advisory division will help participants refine their business ideas, develop a strategic vision, and plan how to transform their ideas into successful businesses. By the end of the project, each participant will have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to independently develop a business plan and implement it in practice.

“The project consists of three phases. In the first phase, UN Women, in active collaboration with the Farmers’ Association and the Taso Foundation, selected participants and conducted introductory meetings. We have now entered the second phase, which includes educational sessions and training on topics such as transforming an idea into a business plan, financial and tax matters, branding and marketing, sales techniques, and more. In the third phase, each participant will receive personalized coaching to refine every aspect of their business plan. Additionally, trainers will provide final recommendations and assess the progress made together with the participants.” – explains Maia Khachidze, Partner at BDO.

BDO’s mission is to use our knowledge and experience to help all our communities thrive. This project serves as an excellent opportunity to share our experience and knowledge with female small entrepreneurs, contributing to their economic empowerment.