Gvantsa Devrisashvili
Today organizations in both private and public sector are starting to realize the importance of sustainable development. They are better understanding what it means to find the right balance between financial, social and environmental priorities. The sustainability matters evolving at lightning speed are pushing organizations to move towards applying a more quantitative approach, dynamic metrics and transparency.
Sustainability encompasses Environmental, Social and Governance matters
Sustainability systems should be fully integrated into business strategy to be effective because sustainability topics largely exceed the REPUTATIONAL angle already and are linked strongly with business RISKS and more importantly business OPPORTUNITIES.
Identifying risks and opportunities related to sustainability means re-reading the business from a new perspective and considering aspects not normally considered: climate change, migratory phenomena, social and occupational changes, new laws and regulations, lifestyle and consumption, etc.
Together with our global experts, BDO Georgia helps companies to rethink doing business, operations and the process of reporting to stakeholders in order to develop the future proof systems and relevant approaches.
Our services rely on the proper, systemic assessment of ESG impact and how the companies can use them for better decisions.
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Gvantsa Devrisashvili