It is important for the companies today to develop an innovative vision for managing non-financial risks and drivers. Whether your company is activating or boosting the journey towards sustainable business management, BDO can support in proper handling of sustainability transition.
Together with our global experts, BDO Georgia helps companies to rethink doing business, operations and the process of reporting to stakeholders in order to develop the future proof systems and relevant approaches.
Our services rely on the proper, systemic assessment of ESG impact and how the companies can use them for better decisions.
We provide:
- Designing efficient governance and control mechanisms of sustainability
- Developing Strategies of Sustainability and Responsibility Policy
- Board induction on sustainability and training
- Development of sustainability policies and operational sustainability plans
- Analysis of industrial plans according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Analysis of the business model and value chain according to the circular economy (to change the business model towards the future).
- Sustainability risk intelligence (to identify risks and especially opportunities)
- Development of control systems for non-financial information (to meet the growing need for reliability, accuracy and timeliness)
- Implementation of quality management systems for environment, safety, and energy efficiency
- Implementation of risk management systems and business continuity
- Gap analysis & guidance on social responsibility and sustainable management standard
- Reputational risk assessment & management
- Management and second-party checks on the value chain to mitigate upstream and downstream risks.
- Verification of corporate financial statements, sustainability reports and non-financial statements
- Sustainability report and social report (GRI, GBS, TCFD)
- ESG investments and green bonds: third party support or verification.